Access Control
Evolving from a history of door locks and gates, “Access Control” has come to include technology innovations such as Keypads, Biometrics, Smart Cards and Computer Based Systems working on Internet protocol (IP). However, the basic idea of controlling access has been a constant, even as we change the way in which it is achieved.
The convergence of Electronic Security and Information Technology will continue to make Access Control an even more effective tool, as the core to a broader security system. Advancements in intelligent monitoring equipment, user interfaces and integrated multi-media data gathering capabilities are increasing the importance of Access Control as a vital business tool.
Besides surveillance cameras, it is one of the first things that an employee or visitor sees of the efforts taken for a secured environment. It sends the message that this company has taken action to provide safety for its employees and its assets. With increasing security threats, respondents see Access Control’s role as of vital importance.
Other important roles for Access Control are not only in its function as a gatekeeper, but its ability to track (record) the access, by whom, what, when and the where. By providing valuable audit trails, management is equipped with another tool in which to improve productivity and maintain accountability. It helps in the evaluation process of who should be allowed to access, what they should have access too, when should they have access to it and how is it actually being adhered too. In other words, the metrics of business rules for allowing access will become more integrated with the further automation of “Business Intelligence Systems”.
This move towards “IT” based systems does not diminish the role and function of the security department, but it helps in its refinement. The “four D’s” of security (Deter, Detect, Delay and Detain) still apply.
Access Control as a central point of integration
Access control is central in that it relates all facility databases. It has the capability to be earmarked for all relative and general information with regard to buildings, facilities and/or institutions. No other system is tied to all quantitative systems within an organization.
As new technologies emerge, Access Control components will become part of a “Unified Information and Management Network”. It will be more interchangeable and be managed by a more robust business management process. To this end, the actual level of adaptation will be dictated by internal and external business requirements, industry policies and the company’s ability to understand its importance.
What more do you need to know about Access Control?
As with any other technology investment, ROI is maximized when the system matches the application; it must meet the actual needs of the end-users. The necessary training must be provided, in order to use the system effectively and to its full potential. There must be a clear understanding of the relationship and key differences, between physical and logical access control; the latter representing opportunities for automated conditional access management.
It is most important to remember that all new processes are only as good as the “Policies” supporting it. Everyone must fully understand the policies, their ultimate purpose and commit to their adherence. Exceptions should be minimized if not to have them at all.
Affordability of the systems is another issue, although some respondents suggest the systems are becoming less expensive, the quality products and highly featured systems do come at a higher cost. Quality and added functions do pay off in the long run. By clearly identifying the actual need, we are able to offer the best system whose budget is in line with our customers. Consider that you may not a Rolls Royce to go the local market, but you do need a fast car if you have decided to go racing.”
Last but not least, as the trends continue for better management over facility security, Access Control will be at the heart of every company's compliance requirements (irrelevant of size) and will embrace every aspect of an employee's workplace experience.
GLOBUS’s Access Control solutions offer:
- Access control for the entire facility or specified areas
- Limited access to areas by date/time and individual cardholder
- Controlled access to elevators and parking facilities
- Supports multiple access technologies
- Utilizes existing system investment
Features and Options
- Local or wide area network connectivity
- Remote access software
- Graphical user interface
- CCTV surveillance integration
- Video badge
- Open systems
- All card technologies including proximity, smart card, magnetic stripe, bar codes, photo badges, & multiple functionality cards
- Unlimited expandability
- Windows, Unix, and Linux operating systems
- New digital technology